It was a perfect day, not hot and not cold. Just damp enough to allow us to have a wonderful bonfire and yet it never really rained until we were all done packing up at 5:00.
My daughter Jen and wife Cathy arrived at 8:00 AM along with Rick and I. Jen put on the coffee and prepared the dining area with homemade breads.
I had sent out a few E-mails inviting people to join us for a day of fellowship and Spring Cleaning. A few people committed to attend and bring a rake, chain saw or garden tool, but I still wondered how many people might attend; especially on a day that the meteorologists predicted would be wet and miserable. Well at 9:00 the first cars began to arrive and they just kept coming until every parking space was full and about 50 people from 2 states. And the next thing I know, Men women and children were hard at work moving firewood raking leaves, clearing brush and falling trees on our 3 acres of anointed land.
Besides the incredible clean up that was accomplish, many new friendships were formed. People were sharing visions about other ways to serve God by serving his people. We laughed and ate and made My Fathers Place look wonderful and loved.
To all of those who joined us today......THANK YOU....and May God bless you abundantly.