This is true in the restoration of one's life as well as a historic building.
The highest point on "My Fathers House" is the the turret and covering the turret is a decorative cap which seems to have been a tradition on Victorian homes of that era. Not only is our turret cover decorative, but it is a piece of history. We removed the dull and weather beaten cover in order to put on a new roof, but the home seemed incomplete without its decorative cap. So, with the help of some good friends and a local artisian, the copper cap was restored and put back in it's place.
Many of the men who have been touched by God through Milestone Ministries and their lives restored will often tell me that they never want to forget where they came from.
I hope that the same will be true of "My Fathers House". As we restore the house inside and out to make the property new again, the beautful and historic cap will be a shinning example of where it came from.