Milestone Ministries is an outreach ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ as demonstrated in Acts 3. Much of our work is devoted to the homeless. We are based in Western Mass, USA. We operate My Father's House in Thorndike, MA, A place for men who have a sincere desire to change their lives. Our ministry is supported entirely through tithes, offerings and the prayers of those whom God has called to be a blessing to our work.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Why are you doing this?
Our Monday night street outreach began at 9:30 and a group of dedicated men and women spread out in the city of Springfield. Even in a warm jacket, gloves and hat the 27 degree tempature goes right through to your core.
By 10:30 PM all of the usual spots we checked were clear. And then we got a call that one of our groups found a man that goes by the name LA. We transported him and his shopping cart of treasures to the Worthington St shelter. LA was not sure that he would stay the night but he was excited about the idea of a warm shower. While praying for him at his request, he grabbed ahold of me and gave me a bear hug of thanks. He cried, why are you doing this?
Not long afterwards, we took a young man to stay warm in a hotel for the night. Louis was grateful for the hotel room but could not understand why we were being so generous.
By now it was midnight and another group called to say that they found a man at a well know sleeping spot by the river. When I met Louis he was shivering cold and afraid of the Police and the shelter. He was recently out of prison and glad that we had found him. When I asked if we could pray with him he replied by going to his knees and crying. We were able to get him to the overflow shelter where he stayed the night. I remember him asking "why are you doing this" as we drove away from his hiding spot.
Matthew 25:34
Friday, December 4, 2009
Time in a Shelter
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Fathers House
The dream began when I was asked to oversee a winter shelter for 30 homeless men in 2007. It was wonderful to service these men, but it always bothered me that we would put them back on the street every morning at 7:00 AM. I asked God for a place where people could come to rest for a while and get back on their feet. I prayed for a place away from the city. Someplace a bit secluded with lots of open space.
It is beautiful old mansion built in 1870 on 3 acres of land in the beautiful town of Palmer, MA . With over 5600 square feet of living space we will be able to serve many. Our plan is still young and the home needs a lot of work, but I am certain that this is the perfect place. It is our prayer that the Lord will use this place to transform peoples lives.
Now the work begins. The home is in need of much repair, but I am confident that God will send the laborers and supplies.
Thank you for continuing to praying with us.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Overflow Shelter Opened last night
While I am so glad that we have a safe, warm, healthy environment for 30 men struggling with life. I am always sad to know that the shelter is needed. Thank God for the work of Friends of the Homeless, and the donated space by Catholic Charities.
It was a wonderful opening night organized and prepared by Frank Kelly with a room prepared by many wonderful volunteers. Thanks to the magnificent Inter-Varsity team the room is bright and colorful (see previous blog). Thanks to many donors we have blankets, new clothing, food etc.
The men were welcomed with prayer, hot coffee, snacks and much love from our staff and volunteers. We could quickly see the hand of God moving in each man's life.
This shelter runs on prayer, so please keep it coming. Thanks.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Preparing a homeless shelter with love
Monday, October 5, 2009
Project Homeless Connect A great success.
God is moving powerfully in New England. Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
See the following link for more info:
Friday, September 4, 2009
Project Homeless Connect
We are seeking 700 volunteers with a heart to will be blessed!
Check it out at (
Also, you can get more info on Facebook, "Project Homeless Connect"
Lord....when did I see you hunger?
Friday, August 7, 2009
Ministry Outreach Update
Working with other agencies
Milestone Ministries works closely with several other agencies and groups. Recently Pastor Jack and I met with an organization new to us. Len Surdyka from Springfield Citizens for Advocacy. Len and his group try to hook up citizens to act as advocates for physically and mentally handicapped individuals. I had the pleasure of meeting one of Len's clients "D" recently. "D" is a very engaging gentleman who lives on his own, in an apartment building lacking sufficient security, and in a neighborhood that that he is no longer comfortable living in. Our hope is that with our knowledge of the various city agencies, we will be able to assist "D" in the process of relocating. We also hope to be able to find someone that could advocate for"D" on a regular basis.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday in Palm Coast Florida
We also did a street outreach ministry in an impoverished area of town. What a fantastic and blessed afternoon.
Along with food and clothing, we prayed for a young boys healing before his hernia surgery tomorrow, specific financial needs, an elderly woman with breast cancer and more. (see photos on my facebook)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Siberia Day 5 August 14, 2008

Katrina ministering in Kultan

Monday, July 13, 2009
Ministry Outreach Update

This is the first of hopefully many updates that we will be providing detailing some of the work we are doing in Jesus' name throughout the greater Springfield area to outreach to the homeless and near homeless population. I hope you enjoy learning more about Milestone Ministries and would encourage anyone interesting in helping to contact us.
Soda Donation
We were blessed this week with a very generous donation of soda. From this donation we were able to distribute a great deal of soda to several worthy causes including the Lion's Den in Indian Orchard, homeless shelters in Springfield and Westfield, and The Crossway Christian Church in Palmer which was celebrating their third year in their current building with a wonderful picnic and ministry outreach.
Homeless Street Outreach
Preventing Eviction
The ministry had a request from the Springfield office of Housing regarding a man "D" that had been in and out of the hospital recently and was in danger of being evicted because he was unable to keep up with cleaning his apartment and things had gotten a bit out of hand. We were able to get a small group to clean up "D's" place and after a few trips the place was good as new. "D" was just as happy to have some people to talk to, and we will stay in touch with him to offer the fellowship he has been missing for so long.
Last week the ministry visited the Loaves and Fishes at lunchtime twice, as well as a few visits to the Worthington Street shelter in the early evening. In addition to offering our prayers and help to anyone that needed it, we also wanted to visit with some of our friends from the Overflow Shelter, it had been two months since we closed for the season and we really miss those guys. There are not many people still at the Worthington Street shelter from the Overflow Shelter( which I took as a good sign hoping they had gotten their own places) but the guys that remained were very glad to know that they weren't forgotten. We will do our best to make these visits a regular thing.
EncouragementI was able to convince one of our overflow shelter friends "R" that he should seek out the city veteran's agent to see what benefits might be available to him. "R" was reluctant at first , he felt others were more worthy of the help. But after some praying with him and a member of his family he realized that he should take some assistance. We met with the city veteran's agent and now "R" is well on his way to getting his own place, and the fresh start he so deserves. Praise God.
Off the Street
Also last week we were finishing up the placement of a wonderful woman "Y" and her two beautiful children. Sadly even though "Y" works a full time job she recently found herself homeless. Pastor Jack worked diligently with the Springfield Office of Housing and a local property manager to get "Y" and her children into a very nice 2 bedroom apartment. The Pastor was also able to get "Y" hooked up with a local church which in addition to bringing her closer to God, will also give her a community to reach out to should she need any further help.
I look forward to the upcoming week, and the opportunities I know it will bring. Please be on the outlook for next weeks update.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Homeless Outreach in Springfield, MA

We are deep in the midst of our 3rd winter season, searching the streets of Springfield late on Monday nights to find people in need.
We are able to offer food, clothing, hats, gloves, blankets and HOPE.
The last thing that a homeless individual expects to run into on a cold winter night at 1:00AM is a group of compassionate & caring people who sincerely want to help.
We are grateful to the reporters who tagged along and told this story with compassion and sensitivity toward the individuals that we have the honor to serve.
Following is a link to the article and video.
Please pray for us and those we serve.