Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Fathers House

3 years prayer was answered today November 25, 2009 . God is faithful.
Milestone Ministries was given the deed to a home that He will usedto transform peoples lives.
The dream began when I was asked to oversee a winter shelter for 30 homeless men in 2007. It was wonderful to service these men, but it always bothered me that we would put them back on the street every morning at 7:00 AM. I asked God for a place where people could come to rest for a while and get back on their feet. I prayed for a place away from the city. Someplace a bit secluded with lots of open space.

Well God has answered our prayers.

It is beautiful old mansion built in 1870 on 3 acres of land in the beautiful town of Palmer, MA . With over 5600 square feet of living space we will be able to serve many. Our plan is still young and the home needs a lot of work, but I am certain that this is the perfect place. It is our prayer that the Lord will use this place to transform peoples lives.
The property also has a large carriage house that will become our chapel and community space. We are hoping it will also befor a music center and retreat house.

Now the work begins. The home is in need of much repair, but I am confident that God will send the laborers and supplies.
Thank you for continuing to praying with us.
More to come soon.


DMC said...

This wonderful ministry will be in my prayers. Great news on Thanksgiving.

James said...

God is faithful and gracious. May this blessing be established and strengthened in the power, love and sound mind of Jesus Christ, the founder and perfecter of our faith. Amen! May all who pass by, whether for a season or a moment be touched by God. May lives be transformed for the Kingdom that is to come. God bless you brothers and sisters who labor for the things not yet seen. To His glory

Alex said...

I am inspired by your deeds. To know that you are already making more and more of your time available to help those who are less fortunate is beyond inspiring. It is also how I define success. Fantastic, Jack !

Onward !

With love,

Alex and Ami Feldman