Milestone Ministries is an outreach ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ as demonstrated in Acts 3. Much of our work is devoted to the homeless. We are based in Western Mass, USA. We operate My Father's House in Thorndike, MA, A place for men who have a sincere desire to change their lives. Our ministry is supported entirely through tithes, offerings and the prayers of those whom God has called to be a blessing to our work.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Milestone Ministry Blog: A Day to Remember
A Day to Remember

At 1:00 I was driving through the snow to pick up a man, Rick, who had agreed to go into detox 3 days earlier. He called to tell me, that he had left detox and he needed a ride, and of course, he was already drunk. "To where" I asked him? "You won't go into the shelter, you just left a warm bed and 3 square meals to brave a snowstorm and get a drink, where can I take you?" "Ok" he answered from the other end of the line," I'll go to the shelter".
It was just 4 days earlier that Rick and I met on the street very late at night, he was drunk and sleeping on stone steps. "Let me get you to a shelter", I begged. "No, I will be fine, don't like the shelter and so I'd rather take my chances of dying in the cold." "That's my plan, I'll die in the cold"
When we agreed to open the shelter with volunteers we also agreed that it would be a dry shelter. In other words if you were drunk or high you could not get in. But I had one condition to opening the shelter this night, I wanted Rick in my shelter. The Director agreed to let me break the rules for this one night and so Rick spent the night. The second night Rick showed up to the shelter again but of course he was drunk again and so I had to turn him away. It broke my heart and so after making my decision I was gripped with guilt and went searching for him, no luck, it is amazing how the homeless can become invisible.
Night 3, Rick showed up again, but this night he was sober, completely sober, praise God. That was the first night of the rest of his life.
Rick has never returned to drinking. He has returned to the streets, but only to minister to others. He has a powerful testimony of how God can change everything. "That shelter saved my life" he proudly proclaims, "the Holy Spirit told me everything was going to be OK and my life changed for ever."
Today Rick is restored, he lives in a two bedroom apartment, has a freezer full of food and has been reunited with his family. Now Rick dedicates his life to helping others find Jesus Christ, the only way out. He is the way, the truth and the life.
Rick has become my good friend and I am so proud of him.
Everytime I am with Rick I think of the song lyrics: " Look what the Lord has done. He changed my body, he changed my mind, he saved me just in time."
This is a day to remember!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
With eyes wide open
I have learned that most homeless residents are invisible unless they step in front of you with a donation cup or wander into your church.
For years I was blind to the needs of those around me. Concerned with my own needs and the needs of my family there was very little time for the needs of others. An occasional coin for the Salvation Army bell ringer, money in the church basket or donating my old clothes seemed to satisfy my obligation.
Interesting, as I look back, it's plain to see that the harder I worked to provide for my family the less time and money I had to help others. Ever since I stopped hiding my eyes my heart is heavy and all of my needs are met. Those in need are no longer invisible to me and I no longer struggle to provide for my family. Trusting my heart has opened my eyes.
Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Psm 34:10
I am grateful to those who bless Milestone Ministries so that we can serve others. Today the ministry was gifted warm blankets and soft pillows and by tonight they will be put to use.
Thank you.
Amherst Shelter
Since we opened on November 15th we have seen many blessings. Every night has been peaceful warm and safe for our guests. The peace of the Lord is always present.
Jesus promised, "Peace I leave you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you peace" Jn 14:27
We are open every night at 9:30 PM when our guests are served a wonderful hot meal until 10:30. Thanks to Chef Stephen Denalis (you may be familiar with his brothers incredible Tommasos Restaurant in Agawam) the meals are always something to look forward to. Thank you Chef. Also thanks to Stephen many local restaurants have agreed to help out with a meal each week.
Our goals, by the grace of God.....
1. Keep Amherst Homeless Residents phyically alive.
2. Invite them to become spiritually alive by giving them hope. When you restore hope homelessness fades.
3. Get them out of a shelter (their current condition) and into and back to life.
If you are able.....pray for our guests.
If you are called......ask us how to volunteer
Thank you Lord for allowing us to serve You through those whom you love.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 to God
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Joy of the Lord in Amherst Shelter

Tonight is the 3rd night of a 6 month ministry and I am glad to report that God is exceeding expectations.........of course. By His grace every night has been a night of rest and peace. This peace is a peace that the world cannot understand. Not peace that the world gives, but the peace of Jesus....thank you Holy Spirit.
God has handpicked a wonderful team made up of dedicated loving staff and volunteers.
The First Baptist Church is providing the Holy Ground that transforms every night into an emergency shelter from 9:00 PM to 8:00 AM; thank you Pastor Greg and Jerry. Vita Nova church provides Godly wisdom and a Spirit filled staff; thank you Pastor Nate and Eric.
To all of the loving staff that have a burden for Gods struggling children......thank you and may God bless you with an abundance of joy.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Serving in Amherst
It's official! Milestone Ministries is in Amherst MA.
We are glad to announce that Milestone Ministies has been chosen to manage the Amherst Emergency Shelter from November 155t thru April 1st. The sixteen bed shelter will be for men and women and will operate 7 days a week from 9 PM - 8AM.
We are currently in need of about 20 volunteers to help with food preperation, set up, fellowship and clean up. If you would like to volunteer please contact me at
Lord when did I see you homeless? What you do onto the least of these you do unto Me.
Hats and Gloves
By the Grace of God, were back on the streets giving away hats, gloves, sleeping bags and warm socks.
Many people ask how they can help and so we have set up a "wish list" account on a Web Site called Dollar Days. Just click into this link and you can quickly and easily order supplies that will help us help others.
If you would like to make a financial offering just visit
Most importantly, pray.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Blankets save lives
If you would like to help, check your closets for warm blankets, jackets, hats and gloves that you are no longer using and call our office at 413 304 2112 or email at so we can arrange a convienent delivery location.
Or.....even better......Pray!
No one should die in the cold!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday Praise and Worship
I am grateful to the people of Crossway for such a warm welcome. My family and I are glad to call Crossway our home church. Even better, I will be preaching again this weekend at Crossway....Welome Holy Spirit!
Apple picking and Palmer Nostalgia Day
Then we joined some friends from Crossway Christian Church at Nostalgia Day in Palmer. It was a great afternoon of good food, history lessons, fellowship and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. We especially enjoyed Sweet Dreams, which was a booth loaded with good o'l penny candy. We will be regular visitors to there store in downtown Palmer. Hats off to the Organizers at Palmer Special Events.....we had a blast.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Planning Board hearing
Tonight was the town Planning Board Meeting for "My Fathers House".
Thank you for your prayers. We went in truth with a sincere heart to explain our plan to help help people who are struggling and we were met by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.
The meeting was meant primarily for us to present to the Planning Board our plan for parking, drainage and changes to the property. It is also to hear the concerns of the property owners that live within 300 feet as to how our plans might effect their property. According to Masslive there were about 50 people in attendance. Click the link here to see the full article.
The room was full and so people had to stand in the hallway to be part of the hearing. I was grateful that so many people came out for the meeting. It was my hope to meet everyone and answer all of their questions and concerns. Those who spoke asked good questions in the hearing and many continued to ask after the meeting in the hall. We have agreed to meet with the concerned residence at a separate informational meeting later in the month if they desire.
No decisions were made tonight and the Board has asked us to consider applying for a variance that would allow us to turn the property into a lodging house. Either way the decision has been continued to their October 4th meeting.
I am learning that it can be difficult to be of service to your brother and please everyone. Many people opposed Jesus until those same people needed Him. He came to save us all whether we agree with Him or not.
I know we are doing as our Lord would want us to do. He said so in Matthew 25:40 "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me."
I am honored to be a servant the Lord.
Monday, August 30, 2010
My Fathers House Prayer Please
We have done our best to meet with the neighbors and share our vision, dispel fears and show them that we are not a big profit seeking corporation. We want them to know that we are just average people who have a calling from God to help those in need according to Matthew 25: 31 -46. We are called to help the least of these. " Jesus said "assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me"
Monday, August 16, 2010
Outreach in Chicopee Ma
Keep up the great work St. Stanislaus. You can be sure that Milestone will support you in prayer and supplies.
We would like to see a homeless outreach such as this in all of the Pioneer Valley. If your ministry would like help in getting started, Milestone would love to show you how.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Never forget where you came from
Monday, June 28, 2010
"My Fathers House", God's work continues
It has been a while since my last blog but the work on My Fathers House is coming along wonderfully. The work is far beyond my knowledge or ability, but the Lord has sent laborers....many wonderful laborers. Their strong backs and wisdom is supported by their grace filled hearts. For each and everyone, I am grateful.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Shingle by Shingle
Whether your're poor or rich at the bottom of the ditch
You can finally see the light'll finall turn your life around
Single by shingle I'm patchin' up the roof
Row by row I'm bringin' in the crop
Love Makes a change I'm lining the proof
I'm leaving all that behind and movin' on
I thank God today I can truly say
My soul's dark night has turned to dawn"
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Spring Cleaning Day at "My Fathers House"
It was a perfect day, not hot and not cold. Just damp enough to allow us to have a wonderful bonfire and yet it never really rained until we were all done packing up at 5:00.
My daughter Jen and wife Cathy arrived at 8:00 AM along with Rick and I. Jen put on the coffee and prepared the dining area with homemade breads.
I had sent out a few E-mails inviting people to join us for a day of fellowship and Spring Cleaning. A few people committed to attend and bring a rake, chain saw or garden tool, but I still wondered how many people might attend; especially on a day that the meteorologists predicted would be wet and miserable. Well at 9:00 the first cars began to arrive and they just kept coming until every parking space was full and about 50 people from 2 states. And the next thing I know, Men women and children were hard at work moving firewood raking leaves, clearing brush and falling trees on our 3 acres of anointed land.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Jack Knox went home to the Lord

On Tuesday February 23rd my good friend Jack Knox went home to be with the Lord.
Please pray for his children.
Jack was always a faithful friend.
He loved his children, his music and the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind. Jack was a true entertainer with a God given voice and a seasoned stage presence. He sang from his heart and soul with a passion that cannot be learned.
In 2003 when Jack began to give his voice to the Lord and the anointing on his music was so powerful that the audiences would weep. I would often invite Jack to sing at a church where I was preaching because his songs were his testimony and his testimony moved mountains.
For most major events in my life over the last 20 years Jack offered his talent. My wife's 40th birthday, my daughters wedding and my ordination were marked with his performances; usually accompanied by his band "The Continentals".
This world will never again hear his powerfully anointed singing voice but I know for sure that it is now added to the choirs of heaven and for that I am grateful.
I look forward to seeing him again one day and hearing his wonderful voice.
Until then, I will certainly miss him.
The following link is a wonderful article about Jack Knox.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Fathers House
God has given us the charge to create a place for those who are in need of care and the love of God.
Please pray with us that God will send the laborers, finances and supplies to complete this project.
If you would like to join us in this project please contact me at
A call to service
It is exciting to watch a church family develop under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
What a humbling honor to preach the Word of God to such a hungry congregation.