At 1:00 I was driving through the snow to pick up a man, Rick, who had agreed to go into detox 3 days earlier. He called to tell me, that he had left detox and he needed a ride, and of course, he was already drunk. "To where" I asked him? "You won't go into the shelter, you just left a warm bed and 3 square meals to brave a snowstorm and get a drink, where can I take you?" "Ok" he answered from the other end of the line," I'll go to the shelter".
It was just 4 days earlier that Rick and I met on the street very late at night, he was drunk and sleeping on stone steps. "Let me get you to a shelter", I begged. "No, I will be fine, don't like the shelter and so I'd rather take my chances of dying in the cold." "That's my plan, I'll die in the cold"
When we agreed to open the shelter with volunteers we also agreed that it would be a dry shelter. In other words if you were drunk or high you could not get in. But I had one condition to opening the shelter this night, I wanted Rick in my shelter. The Director agreed to let me break the rules for this one night and so Rick spent the night. The second night Rick showed up to the shelter again but of course he was drunk again and so I had to turn him away. It broke my heart and so after making my decision I was gripped with guilt and went searching for him, no luck, it is amazing how the homeless can become invisible.
Night 3, Rick showed up again, but this night he was sober, completely sober, praise God. That was the first night of the rest of his life.
Rick has never returned to drinking. He has returned to the streets, but only to minister to others. He has a powerful testimony of how God can change everything. "That shelter saved my life" he proudly proclaims, "the Holy Spirit told me everything was going to be OK and my life changed for ever."
Today Rick is restored, he lives in a two bedroom apartment, has a freezer full of food and has been reunited with his family. Now Rick dedicates his life to helping others find Jesus Christ, the only way out. He is the way, the truth and the life.
Rick has become my good friend and I am so proud of him.
Everytime I am with Rick I think of the song lyrics: " Look what the Lord has done. He changed my body, he changed my mind, he saved me just in time."
This is a day to remember!
wow! awesome testimony! So glad there are still people so dedicated to the work of the LORD
Pastor Jack:
Thank you so much for this story. It made me cry to read it. Rick is my brother. I know he works very hard to stay sober and is proud of his accomplishments and so am I. There is not a day that goes by where I don't think of him or share his story with someone. He will always keep the faith.
His sister, Susan.
All I can say is that God is very good, all the time, every day even when we have forgotten or ignored him. I am so happy for Ricks change of heart, of life.
January 4, 2015 Follow up from Pastor Jack.
Just re reading my post here and realized that I never followed up. Rick is doing create, he has since moved to a nicer apartment, is still active in our ministry, My Fathers House and loves the Lord with all his heart. He has become a good friend of our family.
God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can hope or think according to the power that operates in us.
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