Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The stones cried out

The whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen.  The Pharisees called Jesus from the crowd, "Teacher rebuke your disciples."  He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones will immediatly cry out."
This abridged verse from Luke 19:37 was like a whisper in my ear as I stood before the magnificence of God to snap this photo.
  It was difficult to hear anything above the sound of stones and sea crying out "Holy, Holy, Holy". 
Creation makes it easy for us to clearly  see the invisible attributes of we have no excuse.  Paul says it best in Romans 1: 18 ~ 21, where he states that creation itself leaves no doubt of God's  love, beauty, righteousness and power.
Our God gave the sea it's boundries and stones their strength.  He placed the planets and saw to every detail in a rose.  Yet He states that you are more valuable to Him than all these things. 
He sent His only Son for your salvation.....everything else of the earth is disposable to God. 
Eternity is too long to be wrong, invite  Jesus into your heart today.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


"And may he be a restorer of life and nourishment of your old age".  This quote from the Bible's book of Ruth 4:15, was given to Ruth to encourage her when she conceived a child in her later years.  This child was named "Obed"  which means "servant".  Proof that it is never too late for God to bring new life and restoration. 
This is a photo of the carriage house located on our property at "My Father's House". (see us on facebook)  This building is 140 years old and while it does not look like much on the outside right now, restoration began to take place on the inside over 1 year ago.  Very soon the outside will be restored and this old structure will look as though it has new life, but the truth is that new life began on the inside in November of 2009.   Even though we are now adding a new roof, siding and windows, it is the 15 months of rebuilding the integrity of the structure that will matter most in a storm.

God promises us that He is a restorer.  No matter our age, situation, or sinful ways; God desires restoration in our life.  But, like our old carriage house, restoration begins inside where it is not always evident to the world.  When we give our heart to Jesus He will turn it from stone to flesh.  As he begins to restore our heart it will soon begin to radiate on our outside.

Giving our heart to Jesus is a difficult decision because we are afraid that He will force us to change.  The truth is, He does not have to force us.  The restoration of your heart will be a slow process not quickly evident from the outside, but you will welcome it because it comes with great joy.

The cost of restoration for our carriage house has been an expensive process.  The cost of restoration of our heart  is FREE for the asking.  Jesus has already paid the price in full (just look to the cross).   Now it's up to us....if we just ask him to come into our heart and life.  He will forgive us instantly and our joy will be restored.

As long as we have breath it's never too late for restoration.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Make the most of every opportunity

Jesus  never missed an opportunity.  He took advantage of every opportunity as though each one was an  ordained moment given to Him by His Father.  Opportunities to teach,  preach, correct, edify, heal, weep, rejoice or pray never passed Him by.  He never recalled a situation with "I should have acted". 

Yes, He was God incarnate, but He has given us that same Spirit of truth that led Him daily. 
In John 14:15 Jesus proclaims  "If you love me, keep my commands.  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—  the Spirit of truth."

I encourage you to do something's time to....

“Wake up, sleeper,  rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”   "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is."  Ephesians 5:14

There is no time like the present.  When the opportunity presents as Jesus would have you do according to His will.  "If you are not sure of his will, just ask.....he died that you might know it. 
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."  James 1:5

Did you miss an opportunity to be of help today?  No problem, let it go and move on.  Another opportunity will be given to you soon. 

Did you make the most of an opportunity today?  Great...but your not done. 

Keep giving of yourself as though your joy depended on it.  It does! 

Amherst Shelter concludes the season with a joyous celebration.

We recently marked the close of a successful season operating the Amherst Homeless Shelter with a celebration to acknowledge the individuals and area businesses that helped make our first foray into Amherst such a success. On Saturday April 30th we entertained approximately 50 volunteers, staff, and supporters of the shelter with a wonderful lunch provided by our friends at Tommaso's Restaurant, and live entertainment by "Saints of Tomorrow" an up and coming Christian alternative rock band from Springfield.

The Shelter Statistics

The Amherst shelter had a capacity of 16 individuals, and served both male and female. A total of 84 individuals (62 male 22 female) stayed at the shelter between November 1, 2010 and May 1, 2011. The length of their stays were anywhere from 1 night to 150 nights, with the average length of stay 24 nights. The average age of the guests was 41. Individuals staying at the shelter were given referrals to more than 30 different agencies and housing opportunities. A total of 25 guests were accepted into programs, or moved into their own housing situation.

It Takes a Village

It took the help of so many wonderful individuals and supporting businesses to pull it off every night, I could not attempt to list them all, for fear that I might miss someone. However we do want to recognize a few, without who's contribution we would have struggled.

Every evening, in addition to our staff, we were blessed by a pool of more than 30 volunteers who assisted with the daily setup and tear down of the shelter, and also helped in providing fellowship and encouragement to the guests.

Meg Wright from Eliot Homeless Services proved to be an outstanding partner in the case management of our guests. Many guests of the shelter were able to move into more permanent living situations because of the diligent case management efforts of Meg and Milestone.

Several local businesses lent their support this year also. The Sub and Pizza Restaurant (, the Amherst Motel (, Domino's Pizza Hadley (, and Tommaso’s Restaurant in Feeding Hills ( were all extremely generous with their support.

The First Baptist Church of Amherst and their many supporters, led by Jerry Gates, played a major role in making the shelter a reality. By raising the funds necessary to install a sprinkler system and showers, the church was able to secure a permit for a permanent shelter

We would like to especially thank Chef Steve Dinalais. Steve, with the support of his brother Mark prepared over 140 meals for the shelter all at his own time and expense. With Steve around we never had any worries about food service at the shelter.

Although the shelter has closed for the season, we will continue to pray for all of the wonderful people we encountered, as well as  follow the progress of many of the guests that blessed us with their presence.

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Light for all Nations

"I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth." Isaiah 49:6

In his book, "Live to make a difference", Max Lucado writes "oh Lord what an amazing opportunity you have spread out before me, a chance to make a difference for you in a desperately hurting world. Help me to see the needs you want me to see, to react in a way that honors you, and to bless others by serving them gladly with practical expressions of your love"

To seek the heart of God and the mind of Christ we must be prepared to face the pain of compassion. To be shaken to our very core when we see the plight of others. It is easier to look the other way than to look into the eyes of despair. Jesus never looked the other way, he was always moved with compassion. Matt. 9:36 proclaims that He saw the multitudes and was moved with compassion for them.
Jesus came to live among us out of compassion and he took our sins to the cross out of compassion.  We will never be asked to offer ourselves to the degree that Jesus offered himself for us......but,  with the heart of God and mind of Christ.....when you look into the eyes of dispair you will see Jesus and know exactly what to do next.
You are the light of the reflective moon for Son of God.......shine brightly.....the world is in darkness except for His light.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Rise up and walk

"In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk"  Acts 3:6.

Depending on the world to meet your needs will always keep you handicapped.  If you feel dependent on friends, family, church or the world government for your daily bread, God is offering you freedom. 

Yes, God may have others bless you in His name, Alleluia, but don't  become dependent on anyone but Him.
"Both riches and honor come from You, And you reign over all.  In your hand is POWER and might; In your hand it is to make great And to give strength to all."
1 Chronicles 29:12

Acts 3 tells the story of a man dependent all his life on the goodness of others.  Because he was lame since birth he accepted his condition and the human limitations of what good, well meaning, church going people could offer.  He was carried to the temple daily but never brought in.  He was given alms enough for one days supply but not for a lifetime.  Even when he met Peter and John at the temple gate, all he expected was a few coins; which he had come to believe was all that he was worth. 

"Silver and gold I do not have but what I have I give to you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk".  Immediatly his feet and ankle bones recieved strength, so he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them~  walking, leaping, and praising God".  Acts 3:6~8

"The  Lord shall supply all your need according to His riches riches in Glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Saints of God.....
Be assured that His supply is ENDLESS and available to all who call on his name.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Power of united prayer

"Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them." Matt 18:20

God hears you....always! 
Then why gather in his name if he hears my singular prayer?  Unity, there is power in unity. 

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior than you have accepted the Holy Spirit and His Power that lives and abides in you.  This is the Spirit of truth and with the Truth comes power.  Power against the lies of the devil, power against depression, anxiety, loneliness, sickness. 

When you join the power in you with the Holy Spirit power in other believers, the lying devil is unable to make you question your faith. 

Imagine the power, truth and peace that comes when thousands of Holy Spirit filled believers come together in the name of Jesus.

Find time today to join with others in Jesus name ......and ENJOY His presence!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I am special to God

"Your eyes saw my substance being yet  unformed.  And in your book they all were written.  The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them."  Psalm 139:16

You are an amazing creation of God.  No creation of God is a mistake.  He knows the days  and plans he has for you and they are marvelous. 

Give your life to Jesus and enjoy your inheritance.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sadness over the loss of Pastor David Wilkerson

It has been a difficult season mourning the loss of our Pastor. A simple man and devoted husband, father, grandfather and truly a "man of God". I've only had the honor of meeting Pastor David a couple of times and every time I was in awe because of his simple loving kindness. He always seemed as glad to say hello to me as I to him. He was a spiritual giant while on this earth touching countless millions of lives. But a gentle spirit that beamed of love.

His ministry inspired my street ministry and love for those struggling with addiction and homelessness. I pray that our ministry "My Fathers House" will have an effect on the Palmer community that would make him proud.

I have fed on Pastor David's newsletters for about 15 years and his daily devotionals since they've begun. His sermons call me to action and challenge me to love with the heart of God and the mind of Christ.

The Sunday after his death my wife and I were compelled to travel to NY and worship at Times Square Church, the church founded by Pastor David in 1987. It was a perfect day to spend with Church family. I have attached the link to Pastor Carter Colon's Sunday sermon "a private moment for Times Square Church".  It was more clear than ever why Pastor David choose Carter as his senior Pastor and successor at TSC.....he is a good man with a truthful heart. TSC is in good hands.

My wife and I began worshiping at TSC back in 1996 and between 2002 and 2009 we make the 2 1/2 hour journey twice a month. We were hungry for the Truth and TSC always delivered. Cathy and I would always pray that Pastor David would be preaching the day we attended and when he did it was a great treat.  However, we quickly learned that it is the Spirit of God speaking at TSC and the preachers are only the vessels being used.

I loved a man that I barely knew....thank you Pastor David for lovingly and painfully saying yes to the call of God.

Alleluia for the gift of David Wilkerson.