Friday, May 13, 2011

A Light for all Nations

"I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth." Isaiah 49:6

In his book, "Live to make a difference", Max Lucado writes "oh Lord what an amazing opportunity you have spread out before me, a chance to make a difference for you in a desperately hurting world. Help me to see the needs you want me to see, to react in a way that honors you, and to bless others by serving them gladly with practical expressions of your love"

To seek the heart of God and the mind of Christ we must be prepared to face the pain of compassion. To be shaken to our very core when we see the plight of others. It is easier to look the other way than to look into the eyes of despair. Jesus never looked the other way, he was always moved with compassion. Matt. 9:36 proclaims that He saw the multitudes and was moved with compassion for them.
Jesus came to live among us out of compassion and he took our sins to the cross out of compassion.  We will never be asked to offer ourselves to the degree that Jesus offered himself for us......but,  with the heart of God and mind of Christ.....when you look into the eyes of dispair you will see Jesus and know exactly what to do next.
You are the light of the reflective moon for Son of God.......shine brightly.....the world is in darkness except for His light.

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