It is always exciting to sit at the banquet table, and on many occasions I have been blessed to enjoy that abundance. But I have come to learn that I can live well on the crumbs. My daily bread is often what was left behind or ignored by others...... and that is sufficient for me.
Her daughter was sick, "demon - possessed", and she would do anything to make her well. She'd heard there that there was a Jewish man named Jesus passing through her town and that He had been healing the sick and casting out demons.
Could it be true that her daughter might finally be healed. If only she could meet Him and beg for help. What are the chances? As a Gentile, to approach him would be bad for her reputation. What would her friends and family think? Even if her daughter was healed who could she tell and who would rejoice with her. Who would believe her? Surely she would be chastised and possibly expelled from her people and her church. But this was for her daughter and she was willing to risk it all.
She cried out to Him, saying, "Have mercy on me, Oh Lord, Son of David, my daughter is severely demon possessed". His disciples urged Him to send her away; "she is not one of us". But He answered and explained that He was sent first for the lost sheep of the house of Israel and she was not among that tribe.
This persistent Mom could not be discouraged so she worshiped Him, saying, "Lord help me!"
He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
She pressed on, "yes Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."
Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire," and her daughter was healed from that very hour.
This story as noted in Matthew 15:21 is one of compassion, faith, desperation and a simple prayer. This Mom knew that the crumbs would be enough. "Lord help me"was her simple prayer.
She came to Jesus the same way that many people seek him;
- they have a need/problem beyond their own ability to solve
- they come to cry out (worship), often out of desperation
- they have faith that He can help, but wonder if He will
I find it exciting that due to the cross our access to Jesus and His mercy, healing, compassion and deliverance has no restriction. Regardless of who we are, what we ever thought about Him or were taught about Him, He will still receive us. A recovering addict once said these beautiful words to me, " when I got to the very bottom, my lowest point......Jesus was there."
About 24 years ago I reluctantly exchanged everything that I thought was important for just a few crumbs. I am glad to proclaim that God responded. Today my plate is full everyday..... with plenty to share. For this I am grateful. Alleluia.
Her daughter was sick, "demon - possessed", and she would do anything to make her well. She'd heard there that there was a Jewish man named Jesus passing through her town and that He had been healing the sick and casting out demons.
Could it be true that her daughter might finally be healed. If only she could meet Him and beg for help. What are the chances? As a Gentile, to approach him would be bad for her reputation. What would her friends and family think? Even if her daughter was healed who could she tell and who would rejoice with her. Who would believe her? Surely she would be chastised and possibly expelled from her people and her church. But this was for her daughter and she was willing to risk it all.
She cried out to Him, saying, "Have mercy on me, Oh Lord, Son of David, my daughter is severely demon possessed". His disciples urged Him to send her away; "she is not one of us". But He answered and explained that He was sent first for the lost sheep of the house of Israel and she was not among that tribe.
This persistent Mom could not be discouraged so she worshiped Him, saying, "Lord help me!"
He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
She pressed on, "yes Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."
Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire," and her daughter was healed from that very hour.
This story as noted in Matthew 15:21 is one of compassion, faith, desperation and a simple prayer. This Mom knew that the crumbs would be enough. "Lord help me"was her simple prayer.
She came to Jesus the same way that many people seek him;
- they have a need/problem beyond their own ability to solve
- they come to cry out (worship), often out of desperation
- they have faith that He can help, but wonder if He will
I find it exciting that due to the cross our access to Jesus and His mercy, healing, compassion and deliverance has no restriction. Regardless of who we are, what we ever thought about Him or were taught about Him, He will still receive us. A recovering addict once said these beautiful words to me, " when I got to the very bottom, my lowest point......Jesus was there."
About 24 years ago I reluctantly exchanged everything that I thought was important for just a few crumbs. I am glad to proclaim that God responded. Today my plate is full everyday..... with plenty to share. For this I am grateful. Alleluia.
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