What a day at Times Square Church.
If you have ever attended than you already know how powerful the preaching and worship is ALL THE TIME at TSC. Well yesterday, August 3rd, was a day in church that will not soon be forgotten by visitors and regulars alike.
At the 10:00 service Pastor David preached a message titled "Getting ready for the end of all things". And if you are at all concerned as you watch the news about economic state of our country or the unrest in the world than I suggest that you listen to this message. You WILL be blessed and encouraged.
(You can hear it or download it from www.tscnyc.org)
As Pastor David was preaching about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is to come (latter rain, Zach 14:17) and how it will be more than on the day of Pentecost and how we must be ready and waiting, there was a change in the atmosphere. There was an anticipation that is hard to explain. When he spoke about Haggai 2:25 "My Spirit remains among you, do not fear ", there was an incredible peace.
After the message and alter call we praised the Lord in song and as usual the main curtain began to come down as the service was ended. But it would NOT end. The curtain was brought back up and we could see that Pastor David had not moved, he was sitting and focused. Also, none of the other Pastors on stage had moved, they were all frozen in prayer. Even though people had already begun to leave , some came back. No one seemed to know what to do, but we all knew that it could NOT end. I could hear in my spirit, "watch this, I am going to do something special". I was frozen in prayer and waiting in anticipation.
Many people in the church began to weep, others cried out to God, others proclaimed His promises out loud. The worship team wasn't sure what to do so they led us in a few more songs and the anointing grew even stronger. Then about 20 minutes after the service would have normally ended (TSC is usually very good about keeping on schedule) they tried to lower the curtain for a second time, and more people began to leave thinking it was done. But again the curtain came up and again we could see that the Pastors had not moved.
About 1/4 have the church had now left but those who remained knew that they could not walk out of the presence of God. This is what we had been waiting for. With every passing minute in the presence of God the anointing intensified We sang and prayed and wept for one hour after the normal ending time of service. It was like a refreshing rain. A time of cleansing and renewal.
During this time God showed me things and spoke to my spirit about how it will be in the difficult times ahead and how many people, even the elect will not have the patience and faith to wait on the Lord. He showed me how many seats that were seemingly filled and reserved long ago will be empty because the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
We were in this powerful anointing for about an hour (it seemed like 20 minutes) and Pastor Dave quietly came to mic and spoke briefly of what was going on. He proclaimed "I can not dismiss this service, you are all welcome to stay, we will not bring down the curtain, stay as long as you'r like."
After a while we quietly left to join the rest of our group and have lunch, but to this moment I wonder "what if I had stayed even longer? What might God have shown me if I had not gone to satisfy my flesh. Yes, I know "God knows my heart", but the more of Him I get the more I want. It is a hunger that I pray will never be satisfied; at least not under the sun. I love the anointing of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit!
What a blessed day we had.
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