Wow, what a great day.

I went to check it out and to visit with the team from The Lions Den Springfield MA. , check out their website.

If you have never been to Soulfest, it is a bit hard to explain because it is not much like the world we see on CNN. You have to imagine a festival devoted and dedicated to celebrating Jesus. Thousands of people, mostly young, are gathered for the music and fellowship. Tons of great food and informational tents to learn about Christian colleges and outreach programs like the Lions Den. It was hard not to notice the peace. No yelling (except for the crowds at music stage), no fear, just joy.
Families and college students, kids playing in the open and the name of Jesus on Tee Shirts, posters, CD's and tattoos.
At one point the sky opened up and a hard rain fell for about 15 minutes. No one panicked..... the tent selling music CD's cranked up the volume and everyone sang "I can only Imagine" to the pounding rain.
Pastor Greg Dyson (Lions Den & Church in the Acres)ministered from two of the stages and shared about the Lions Den and our work with the Homeless population of Springfield.
"C"and "R", both formally homeless , addressed the crowds of thousands to share their testimony. God is good. Just seven months ago "R" was homeless and no one paid him any attention; but last night he stood before a sea of young people to share the story of his salvation and deliverance from the streets and alcohol. You could hear a pin drop while he led the crowd in prayer. "C" came to the stage and taught how to treat people as Jesus would. How to help the homeless and even got off one of her infamous jokes. The audience roared in appreciation for what the Lord has done......Only GOD could make this happen

A shining moment for me was watching God speak through our friend "H". "H" is a college student in Springfield who ministers with us on our Monday night homeless outreach. Her gift.....singing and writing music.
Last night "H" sang her original song "because of You" to a crowd a thousands from the main stage at fancy lights or special effects just the Holy Spirit coming through her wonderful voice. This was not planned by anyone but the Lord. Even Hannah had no idea that this was going to happen until 1 hour before.
Thank you "H" for being bold enough to share your gift.

Last night "H" sang her original song "because of You" to a crowd a thousands from the main stage at fancy lights or special effects just the Holy Spirit coming through her wonderful voice. This was not planned by anyone but the Lord. Even Hannah had no idea that this was going to happen until 1 hour before.
Thank you "H" for being bold enough to share your gift.

Scripture is clear that we are to prepare a new generation to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am convinced that revival will come through this new generation who love Jesus and don't mind shouting it from the mountains of New Hampshire. Alleluia!!

I was honored to pray with the crowd as they dug deep to make an offering to support the work that must be done in God's kingdom here on earth.
Some of the best Christian bands in the country are featured and they did not disappoint. Check out this video clip of Kutless. The audio is poor because of my video camera but you can get an idea of just how cool it is to hang with thousands of people that love the Lord and are not afraid to show it.
Video of Kutless at SoulFest (Sorry for the Bad Audio)
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