Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Planning Board hearing

Tonight was the town Planning Board Meeting for "My Fathers House".

Thank you for your prayers. We went in truth with a sincere heart to explain our plan to help help people who are struggling and we were met by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.

The meeting was meant primarily for us to present to the Planning Board our plan for parking, drainage and changes to the property. It is also to hear the concerns of the property owners that live within 300 feet as to how our plans might effect their property. According to Masslive there were about 50 people in attendance. Click the link here to see the full article.


The room was full and so people had to stand in the hallway to be part of the hearing. I was grateful that so many people came out for the meeting. It was my hope to meet everyone and answer all of their questions and concerns. Those who spoke asked good questions in the hearing and many continued to ask after the meeting in the hall. We have agreed to meet with the concerned residence at a separate informational meeting later in the month if they desire.

No decisions were made tonight and the Board has asked us to consider applying for a variance that would allow us to turn the property into a lodging house. Either way the decision has been continued to their October 4th meeting.

I am learning that it can be difficult to be of service to your brother and please everyone. Many people opposed Jesus until those same people needed Him. He came to save us all whether we agree with Him or not.

I know we are doing as our Lord would want us to do. He said so in Matthew 25:40 "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me."

I am honored to be a servant the Lord.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Fathers House Prayer Please

Incredible things are happening at My Fathers House. (facebook "my fathers house") The renovations of the old carriage house being converted into our Chapel and the main house which will be affordable housing for men (children of God) that need a hand up are coming along well.

People are being employed and the hearts and bodies of many are being healed even before we are ready to welcome residence into our program.

Tonight's Planning Board Meeting: Part of the normal process in any town. The meeting allows us to lay out our technical plan for drainage, parking, landscaping, etc. The town must be convinced that this project will not have a negative effect on the property, area or residence.

We have done our best to meet with the neighbors and share our vision, dispel fears and show them that we are not a big profit seeking corporation. We want them to know that we are just average people who have a calling from God to help those in need according to Matthew 25: 31 -46. We are called to help the least of these. " Jesus said "assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me"

Please raise up prayer for us today that God will calm the fears of people who are fearful. That they will know our heart to be kind and truthful.
Tonight's meeting is at 7:00 PM

Monday, August 16, 2010

Outreach in Chicopee Ma

Congratulations to St Stanislaus ministry team for wonderful beginning to their weekly street outreach in the city of Chicopee, MA. Deacon Joe encouraged by the homeless outreach ministries of Milestone and others in Springfield MA began the outreach with 60 lunch bags stuffed with 2 sandwiches, fruit and water. We joined Joe and his team to fellowship, share the Gospel and distribute lunch to at least 60 people.
Keep up the great work St. Stanislaus. You can be sure that Milestone will support you in prayer and supplies.
We would like to see a homeless outreach such as this in all of the Pioneer Valley. If your ministry would like help in getting started, Milestone would love to show you how.