Monday, August 30, 2010

My Fathers House Prayer Please

Incredible things are happening at My Fathers House. (facebook "my fathers house") The renovations of the old carriage house being converted into our Chapel and the main house which will be affordable housing for men (children of God) that need a hand up are coming along well.

People are being employed and the hearts and bodies of many are being healed even before we are ready to welcome residence into our program.

Tonight's Planning Board Meeting: Part of the normal process in any town. The meeting allows us to lay out our technical plan for drainage, parking, landscaping, etc. The town must be convinced that this project will not have a negative effect on the property, area or residence.

We have done our best to meet with the neighbors and share our vision, dispel fears and show them that we are not a big profit seeking corporation. We want them to know that we are just average people who have a calling from God to help those in need according to Matthew 25: 31 -46. We are called to help the least of these. " Jesus said "assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me"

Please raise up prayer for us today that God will calm the fears of people who are fearful. That they will know our heart to be kind and truthful.
Tonight's meeting is at 7:00 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got the prayers - lots of them!!!